Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Tutorial Root dan Unroot Smartfren Andromax Hisense E860

  Malem minggu blogging juga enak nih sobb , hehe maklum malming ga kemana-mana sobb , oke kali ini saya akan membahas Cara Root HH Smartfren Andromax Hisense E860 , oke simak aja yaa gan !

   apa itu root ? Root merupakan hak akses yang diberikan kepada user dengan level tertinggi, kalo di Windows mungkin sama dengan Administrator. Pada Android, root tidak diberikan kepada semua pengguna Android (bisa dikatakan di lock), hal ini untuk mencegah user melakukan perubahan konfigurasi yang sangat penting yang dapat mengakibatkan hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, sementara user tersebut tidak bisa mengembalikan pada konfigurasi semula.
   penting gak sih root itu ? sebenarnya kalo pertanyaan ini sih balik lagi ke penggunanya , dia mau root atau nggak , menurut ane sih root sangat penting bagi orang orang yang gemar mengutak atik hp, karena beberapa aplikasi seperti Titanium Backup hanya bisa digunakan pada hp yang sudah di root saja . oke langsung ke caranya ya gan !
Sebelum mulai pertama kita harus mendownload tools yang dibutuhkan untuk proses root ini :
1. CWM || Download
2. || Download
3. Driver Fastboot (google-adb-driver.rar) || Download

Step 1 (Instal CWM Melalui PC)
  1. Copy file ke sd-card.
  2. Masuk ke Fastboot dengan cara matikan dulu hp kita lalu tahan tombol volume up + power, setelah ada tulisan Welcome To Fastboot lalu sambungkan hp kita ke PC, lalu otomatis dia akan menginstal drivernya, kita klik next terus sampai selesai.
  3. Extract CWM (passwordnya
  4. Lalu double click file pwned.HS-E860.CWM.v., setelah sukses kemudian cabut batrenya, tunggu beberapa detik, kemudian pasang lagi dan lanjut ke step 2. 
Step 2 (Proses Rooting Melalui Hpnya Langsung)

  1. Max masih dalam keadaan mati, masuk mode Recovery dengan cara tahan tombol volume down + power.
  2. Arahkan ke menu install zip from sd-card dengan menggunakan tombol volume down, kemudian tekan tombol Power.
  3. Masuk ke menu choose zip from sd-card, kemudian tekan tombol Power
  4. Pilih file, kemudian tekan tombol Power.
  5. Setelah itu pilih menu Back.
  6. Dan yang terakhir pilih menu Reboot. 
*jeng *jeng sudah berhasil deh agan ngerootnya , ciri - ciri kalo root udah berhasil ada aplikasi SuperUsernya :)

Apa itu Unroot? Unroot adalah menghilangkan menu SuperUser pada hp kita, ini digunakan ketika kita akan mengklaim garansi karena pada umumnya ketika hp kita dalam keadaan root kita tidak dapat melakukan klaim garansi. Proses Unroot sendiri sangat mudah, mari kita mulai.

  1. Buka aplikasi SuperUser
  2. Kemudian buka tab Setting
  3. Pilih Unroot
  4. Setelah itu reboot hp anda
Done , nah saatnya mengklaim garansi ke Smartfren Gallery :)

Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Camera FV-5 v1.53 Apk

anda suka foto - foto ? nah ini app cocok banget buat anda yg narsis , hehe langsung yaa :

Features :
  • All photographic parameters are adjustable and always at hand: exposure compensation, ISO, light metering mode, focus mode, white balance and program mode.
  • DSLR-like viewfinder display: see exposure time, aperture and stops display with EV and bracketing settings.
  • Full fledged exposure bracketing: from 3 to 7 frames, unlimited stops spacing, plus custom EV shifting.
  • Built-in intervalometer: make stunning timelapses (even bracketed/HDR timelapses) and time-controlled picture series.
  • Program and Speed-priority modes.
  • Long exposure support: take beautiful night photos and light trails with long exposure times up to 60 seconds*.
  • JPEG as well as RAW (PNG) image formats for lossless photo capturing, perfect for post-processing.
  • EXIF and XMP sidecar metadata support.
  • Self timer for delayed shooting.
  • Autofocus, macro, touch-to-focus** and infinity focus modes, plus a focus lock switch (AF-L).
  • In background photo developing and processing allows a smooth, uninterrupted camera operation.
This camera application completely avoids scene modes, instead you get full manual control over all photographic parameters, just like you do with a reflex camera, so you can ultimately control every aspect of the picture, and leave the post-processing to the computer. So after your DSLR, you will never miss a photo opportunity again, being able to capture it with the closer sensation to your DSLR as possible.

What's in this version: (Updated : Sep 5, 2013)
  • For cameras:
    • Completely new shutter speed selection dialog.
    • Aperture priority.
    • Full manual exposure mode.
    • Realtime exposure preview on the viewfinder.
    • Smooth optical zoom control with the zoom wheel.
    • Additional flash modes available depending on the device.
  • Other changes:
    • New: added Samsung Galaxy S4 for live exposure and ISO metering.
    • Fixed: bad exposure compensation mapping on some Samsung Galaxy S III and S4 devices.
    • Fixed: now flash settings are back on Galaxy Ace phones.
    Required Android O/S : 2.2+

    Screenshots :

    Electrum Drum Machine/Sampler v4.7.6 Apk

     oke sob yg demen maen drum , tapi lagi keluar ? tenang . . . nih ada app samplernya , mayan juga buat ngisi waktu luang juga , oke apa aja yang baru ? :

    • WAV file import - Load YOUR OWN SAMPLES from SDCARD. Long press a sound button to bring up the sample loading dialog.
    • Use my Sonic Chop app (sold separate) to chop samples from MP3's on your device and load them right into Electrum!
    • Use samples and loops to make beats and songs.
    • Preview samples LIVE while the machine is playing, they will mix right into the beat.
    • Real time playback and editing - no waiting for sound to render before you hear your changes!
    • Look at the MENU for more options such as ability to save and load your own custom drumkits - once you've loaded the sounds you like unto the pads and adjusted them you can save the settings as a drumkit, separate from the patch itself!
    • RECORD samples with the microphone.
    • Stretch loops to fit the current project BPM.
    • Edit a sample's start and end point, pitch and pan Left/Right.
    • Use other time signatures such as 3/4, 6/8, etc.
    • Add some swing to your beats with the SHUFFLE setting.
    • Add Delay and Distortion FX to your samples
    • Sample accurate playback engine.
    • WAV/MIDI/Pad Export-load your song into Fruityloops!
    • Sharing - install the Soundcloud app from the market and you can share beats right to soundcloud (see Electrum's Menu->More->Share)
    Electrum has 8 sounds and you can program up to 32 patterns. A full sequencer allows you to string the patterns together into songs or longer beats. You can also play patterns "live", switching them as the machine is playing.

    For multitouch devices, Electrum has a multitouch pad dialog as well (See Menu->Play Multitouch pads) where you can play just like an MPC by hitting the pads.

    What's in this version : (Updated : Sep 6, 2013)

    • Electrum will now keep the screen on while using the app
    Required Android O/S : 1.5+

    Screenshots :

    Tune In Radio Pro for Android

      TuneIn Radio Pro adds the ability to record everything you love from TuneIn Radio.
    TuneIn lets you listen to the world’s radio with music, sports, news, talk, and comedy streaming from every continent. Enjoy 70,000 live radio stations and 2 million podcasts, concerts or shows on your Android phone or tablet. oke tune in tuh app buat streaming radio dari yg international sampe nasional juga ada gan , jadi cocok buat yg suka dengerin radio lewat web , nah lewat tune in in juga bisa :) .

    Senin, 02 September 2013

    Asphalt 8 : Airborne Apk + Data Download

    lagi semangat blogging , jadi tancap terus post postnya hehe , bagi kalangan gamer hp pasti udah ga asing sama game Asphalt ? iya kan ? game yg seru buat dimaenin , balapannya juga seru , apalagi hadir di Android , mobilnya tambah banyak dan banyak deh , game ini termasuk game yg berat gan , hanya untuk ARMv7 .

    AVG ANTIVIRUS PRO v3.2.2 Apk Download

    Post tentang android lagi gan . kali ini tentang app nya android , simak gan ! . kebanyakan pada ingin antivirus yg pro dan Gratis , langsung ane kasih gan hehe , emang versinya masih ketinggalan , tapi nanti kalo udah di install ke andro agan kan bisa di update lagi hehehe , yang penting gratis dulu haha :

    Yang terbaru di versi ini : 

    ■ Task Killer now displays both tasks and processes.
    ■ Bug fixes
    ■ Due to recent improvements we’ve done to our Anti-Theft device locator you may be prompted with a request for additional permissions

    Version: 3.2.2
    Size: 6 MB
    Required android: 2.1 and up
    • AVG Antivirus Pro : Link

    Grand Theft Auto : 3 Apk + Data

                   jumpa lagi dengan saya , kali ini saya post tentang game android lagi . sapa sih yang ga kenal Grand Theft Auto ? 
    pasti udah pada ngerti kan , game yang digemari para anak muda bahkan anak kecil pun juga maen haha . yeep Grand Theft Auto : 3 , Rockstar merayakan hari jadinya yg ke 10 dengan menggarap GTA 3 ini di buat ke HD version , wah wah udah ga sabar kan ? apa sih yang baru di GTA 3 ini ? langsung aja yaaa :

    • Visually stunning updated graphics, character and vehicle models
    • HD quality resolution
    • Gameplay optimized for touch screen devices
    • Custom controls for the mobile platform
    • Countless hours of gameplay
    • Gamepad Support for select USB controllers
    • Integrated with Immersion Haptic Vibration Feedback
    • Tailor your visual experience with new video display settings

    Version: 1.4
    Size: 670  MB
    Required android: 2.1 and up

    Installation : Instal APK nah terus nanti data yg sudah di download di masukkan ke sdcard/android/obb